No Work Team Foto der Woche:
neue Big Air Kite Schule nach der Renovierung Tobi auf dem Foil board
Nov 2015 - Komplette Renovierung der Big Air Kite Schule in 3 Wochen ohne den Betrieb einstellen zu muessen. Wir haben das neue Dach erst über das alte gebaut und danach die alte Hütte innen raus gerissen.
Die Big Air Sunset Bar ist geöffnet
No Work Team News
Oktober 2016
Hurrican Matthew zieht über Haiti und Cuba und Tropensturm Nicole blokiert unsere Windmaschine
perfect days for windsurfing | |
perfect days for kite boarding | |
perfect days for surfing |
Der riesige Hurrikan Matthew zieht als Kategorie 4 Hurrikan über West Haiti und Ost Cuba hinweg und hinterlässt eine Spur der Verwüstung und viele Tote vor allem in Haiti. Aber auch der Süden der Dominikanischen Republik bekommt die Auswirkungen mit starken Regenfällen und vielen Überschwemmungen zu spüren. Cabarete hat noch mal Glück gehabt und hat nur ein wenig Regen abbekommen und sogar 2 schöne Windtage erlebt bevor der Sturm vorbeizog. An diesem Tag gab es auch sehr starken und böigen Wind, den auch einige Kiter und Windsurfer ausnutzten trotz Wassersportverbots. Danach gab es noch 2 Tage leichten Wind, aber jetzt wird unsere Windmaschine von dem nächsten Tropensturm Nicole gestört, der nördlich von uns sitzt. Dafür können sich die Wellenreiter über einen schönen Nordswell freuen.
September 2016
Fast jeden Tag Wind, aber nicht immer so stark
16 | perfect days for windsurfing |
18 | perfect days for kite boarding |
23 | perfect days for surfing |
Der September war sehr sonnig und brachte uns viele Windtage mit leichtem Wind und einige perfekte Tage für Windsurfen und Kiten. Und es gab sehr viel Platz auf dem Wasser und im Riff wegen Nebensaison und weil das Hotel Viva Wyndham Tangerine geschlossen ist für 3 Monate zwecks Renovierungsarbeiten.
August 2016
Viele Kitesurfer in Cabarete
17 | perfect days for windsurfing |
20 | perfect days for kite boarding |
27 | perfect days for surfing |
Schon lange hat Cabarete nicht mehr so viele Kitesurfer gesehen. Aber der Wind war dieses Jahr nicht so perfekt wie wir das aus anderen Jahren kennen. Er war gut an 70 % der Tage, aber nicht so konstant und stark wie normal. Daür waren die Wellenreiter sehr froh mit den Wellen. Sie fanden gute Bedingungen fast jeden Tag.
Endlich haben wir auch die ersten bequemen und praktischen Luftbetten von LazyBedz erhalten. Sie können bei Big Air Kite Schule getestet, gemietet und gekauft werden.
July 2016
MaiTai Cabarete Inventional und Butterfly Effekt
20 | perfect days for windsurfing |
25 | perfect days for kite boarding |
29 | perfect days for surfing |
Dank Susi May und ihrer Firma MaiTai gab es endlich wieder einen Kiteboarding Worldcup in Cabarete. Es war ein perfekt organisierter Event mit den besten Freestyle Kitern der Welt und einem Happyend für die dominikanischen Kiter, die mit Jose Alberto Cruz den Sieger stellten. Mehr Infos zu allen Wettkampftagen und alle Sieger gibt es bei:
Der jährliche Butterfly Effekt findet dieses Jahr am 16. July statt und ist ein nicht wettkampforientierter Event für Frauen aller Alters- und Könnensstufen. Die Hauptattraktion des Tages ist ein gemeinsamer Downwinder für Windsurfer, Kitesurfer, Standup paddler und Kayaker von Cabarete nach Encuentro.
June 2016
Endlich guter Wind
23 | perfect days for windsurfing |
28 | perfect days for kite boarding |
18 | perfect days for surfing |
Endlich ein guter Monat fürs Windsurfen und ein perfekter Monat fürs Kiteboarden. Nur die Wellenreiter waren nicht so happy wegen kleinen Swells und früh einsetzendem Wind, der die Wellen verblies.
May 2016
El Niño stört unsere Windmaschine auch im May!
15 | perfect days for windsurfing |
19 | perfect days for kite boarding |
21 | perfect days for surfing |
Der May war schon viel besser als der Abril für unsere Windsportarten. Für 10 Tage sah es so aus, als das der Sommer begonnen hätte mit Super Wetter und Wind für Kiteboarding und Windsurfing, aber dann kam der Einfluss von El Niño zurück und Gewitter zerstörten jeden Tag den schönen Wind, der uns aber wenigstens für ein paar Stunden gute Bedingungen fürs Kiten und Windsurfen brachte.
Abril 2016
El Niño stört unsere Windmaschine!
10 | perfect days for windsurfing |
12 | perfect days for kite boarding |
22 | perfect days for surfing |
Nur in der ersten Woche hatten wir guten Wind für Windsurfen und Kiteboarden. Danach gab es nicht mehr viel, aber gute Wellen und viel Regen.
März 2016
3- 6 März gibt es wieder den Wettkampf: D.R. OPEN KITEBOARDING
23 | perfect days for windsurfing |
25 | perfect days for kite boarding |
13 | perfect days for surfing |
Zwei Windtage genügten um die Sieger in einer Dobble elimination zu ermitteln: und die Sieger heissen: Adeuri Corniel bei Open men und Georgina Monti bei den Frauen.. Danach gab es noch viele gute Windtage für´s Windsurfen und Kiteboarden. Nur die Wellenreiter waren diesen Monat nicht so glücklich.
Februar 2016
El Niño bringt uns viel Regen und wenig Wind. Die Wellenreiter freuts.
06 | perfect days for windsurfing |
07 | perfect days for kite boarding |
21 | perfect days for surfing |
Kiteboarder und Windsurfer brauchen viel Geduld. Es gabnur einige wenige gute Tage. Die Wellenreiter hatten da viel mehr Glück.
Vom 23 -28 Februar fand wieder der Contest zum "Master of the Ocean" statt. Hierbei wird ermittelt wer der beste ist in der Welle im Windsurfen, Kiteboarden, Surfen und Standup paddeln. 2 gute Windtage und viele gute Wellen haben gelangt um einen guten Sieger zu ermitteln. Wie in den letzten beiden Jahren gewann Zane Schweitzer aus Hawai.
Januar 2016
Gute Wellen aber wenig Wind
11 | perfect days for windsurfing |
13 | perfect days for kite boarding |
24 | perfect days for surfing |
Wind und Wetter sind sehr wechselhaft. Es gab nur wenige gute Tage für Windsurfen und Kiteboarden. Dafür gab es für die Wellenreiter endlich Grund zur Freude. Die Stürme im Norden sandten schöne Swells an die Nordküste.
Dezember 2015
Fast jeden Tag Wind, aber oft mit schlechtem Wetter.
17 | perfect days for windsurfing |
21 | perfect days for kite boarding |
22 | perfect days for surfing |
Der Dezember brachte viel Wind hohe Wellen, aber auch viel schlechtes Wetter. Der Wind war boeig und die Wellen verblasen, so dass niemand wirklich happy war.
November 2015
Gute Wellen aber wenig Wind und endlich Regen
06 | perfect days for windsurfing |
09 | perfect days for kite boarding |
27 | perfect days for surfing |
Der November brachte auch wieder sehr gute Wellenreitbedingungen für die Nordküste. Die Swells waren nicht sehr gross, aber die Wellen waren fast jeden Tag schön sauber. Die Windsurfer und Kiteboarder waren nicht so glücklich diesen Monat und fanden nur einige gute TageTrotdem gab es Wind an fast 50 % der Tage womit einige andere Spot froh wären wenn sie das in ihrer besten Zeit bekommen.
Folgende Veranstaltungen finden im November statt:
5-8 Nov: Jazz Festival in santiago, Sosua, Puerto Plata und Cabarete.
7+8 Nov: Pauhana Encuentro Classic für Wellenreiten.
October 2015
Die Wellenreiter sind happy
15 | perfect days for windsurfing |
16 | perfect days for kite boarding |
28 | perfect days for surfing |
October bringt fast jeden Tag gute Bedingungen zum Wellenreiten und einige schöne Tage zum Windsurfen und Kiteboarden
September 2015
Guter Wind fürs Kiten, aber keine Swells für die Wellenreiter
13 | perfect days for windsurfing |
20 | perfect days for kite boarding |
08 | perfect days for surfing |
Der Sommer wurde verlaengert mit guten ete hat wieder perfekte Bedingungen fürs Kiten. Hurricane und Regen lassen noch auf sich warten und die Wellenreiter warten noch auf den ersten Swell.
August 2015
August bringt auch wieder Super Wind fast jeden Tag
27 | perfect days for windsurfing |
27 | perfect days for kite boarding |
18 | perfect days for surfing |
Cabarete hat wieder perfekte Bedingungen für Windsurfen und Kiten fast jeden Tag im August, aber auch die Surfer fanden einige gute Tage am frühen Morgen.
July 2015
Auch July bringt wieder guten Wind und einige Contests stehen an
25 | perfect days for windsurfing |
28 | perfect days for kite boarding |
23 | perfect days for surfing |
- Vom 10. bis 12. July findet am Bozo Beach der Buttterflyeffekt statt ( Dies ist ein Fun Event für Frauen und Mädels jeden Alters und Könnensstufe in verschiedenen Wassersportarten.
- Vom 22. bis 26. July: MaiTai Cabarete - ein Fun und Network Event von Susi May und Bill Tai
- Cabarete Classic findet immer Ende July statt
Juni 2015
Big Air contest am Bozo Beach
28 | perfect days for windsurfing |
30 | perfect days for kite boarding |
21 | perfect days for surfing |
Vom 11. bis 14. Juni findet am Bozo Beach zum zweiten Mal der Big Air Contest statt, der von Millenium Hotel und Kahuna Sportsbar gesponsert wird. Hier können Locals und Gäste ihre K´nste zeigen und wir erwarten spectakuläre Sprünge und viel Action auf dem Wasser.
Unser Freund Josh Messer hat eine neue Kamara und ist jetzt fast jeden Tag vor der Big air Kite Schule und dem Hotel Viva Wyndham Tangerine und knipst alles was im Wasser rumspringt!
Mai 2015
Starker Wind, hohe Wellen und kein Regen!
19 | perfect days for windsurfing |
25 | perfect days for kite boarding |
18 | perfect days for surfing |
Die ersten 2 Wochen sind sehr untypisch fuer May: Anstatt Regen, wenig Wind und wenig Wellen bekommen wir super starken Wind über 30 Knoten, Super schöne 6 ft Wellen und überhaupt kein Regen. Die Temperaturen sind hochsommerlich und die Kiter und Windsurfer die hier sind können das richtig geniessen, weil es kaum Touristen im Hotel Viva Windham Tangerine hat und somit auch kaum Kiter oder Windsurfer auf dem Wasser gibt. Die 2. Hälfte war dann schon eher typisch Mai mit leichteren Winden, kleinen Wellen und einigen Regenschauern am Abend oder morgens. Kitesurfen war immer noch gut mit grösseren Kites oder Boards, aber die Windsurfer waren nicht mehr so froh. Dafür waren die Wellen wieder cleaner am morgen für schöne Wellenreitsessions in Encuentro.
Abril 2015
Osterfeiertage mit grossen Parties und gutem Wind in Cabarete!
Auch im Abril hatten wir Super wind die ersten 15 Tage
Semana Santa!
Nach Semana Santa!
17 | perfect days for windsurfing |
20 | perfect days for kite boarding |
24 | perfect days for surfing |
März 2015
DR OPEN Kiteboarding Competition in Cabarete
Im März hatten wir perfekten Wind in den ersten 15 Tagen, aber danach wurde es sehr wechselhaft.
Die neuen Ocean Rodeo Kites sind vor kurzem angekommen! Schaut mal rein: Ocean Rodeo Kites Falls sie euch gefallen, könnt ihr sie bei uns testen und bestellen. Wir können sie euch auch direkt in USA oder Canada ausliefern.
17 | perfect days for windsurfing |
23 | perfect days for kite boarding |
20 | perfect days for surfing |
February 2015
Master of the Ocean am Ende des Monats!
The competitors of the "Master of the ocean" were lucky, because wind and Weather finally turned good at the end of the month after the 20th.
12 | perfect days for windsurfing |
17 | perfect days for kite boarding |
21 | perfect days for surfing |
January 2015
Big Air Kite School
The new year is starting like the old one ended with bad weather and not much wind
07 | perfect days for windsurfing |
09 | perfect days for kite boarding |
23 | perfect days for surfing |
December 2014
Big Air Kite School wish you ay new year
Bad wind, but many good days for surfing and one huge swell made only the surfers happy.
07 | perfect days for windsurfing |
11 | perfect days for kite boarding |
27 | perfect days for surfing |
November 2014
Bad wind and weather, but Huge waves for our beginnersig Air Kite School
Also November was very bad for our wind sports, but the surfers were very happy after a couple of very good swells!
10 | perfect days for windsurfing |
12 | perfect days for kite boarding |
24 | perfect days for surfing |
October 2014
Now we got the bill
Last year October was too good and now we got just a couple of good days for windsurfing and kite boarding this month! Surfers were happy about one huge swell in the middle of the month.
08 | perfect days for windsurfing |
09 | perfect days for kite boarding |
22 | perfect days for surfing |
September 2014
Back to normal
After 10 month of perfect wind and weather almost every day we got a bad September with rain and not so much wind. Surfing was possible at many days, but the huge swells were also missing.
09 | perfect days for windsurfing |
13 | perfect days for kite boarding |
16 | perfect days for surfing |
No Work Team News
März 2014
Im März finden zum dritten mal die DR OPEN Kiteboarding Freestyle Wettkämpfe in Cabarete statt
perfeket Tage für Windsurfing | |
perfekte Tage für Kiteboarding | |
perfekte Tage für Wellenreiten |
Vom 6. bis zum 9. März Cabarete begrüsst die jährlichen Wettkämpfe zum "DR OPEN KITEBOARDING" am Bozobeach. Die Hauptdisziplin ist Freestyle aber Hangtime und Big Air Wettkämpfe sind auch möglich wenn Zeit und Wind mitspielen.
Leider gab es nur 2 Tage guten Wind, aber die waren so gut, dass der Hauptevent voll durchgezogen wurde und den Zuschauern unglaubliche Action geboten wurde von den Dominikanischen Freestylern von denen sich einige auf hoechstem World Cup Niveau befinden und wir koennen gespannt sein wie sie im Juni beim PKRA World Cup in Cabarete abschneiden. Die Sieger dieses heissen Wettkampfs in der Pro Kategorie waren:
1. Luis Alberto Cruz
2. Ariel Corniel
3. Posito Martinez
Februar 2014
Master of the Ocean kommt vom 22. bis 27. Februar findet diesen Monat in Cabartete statt
perfeket Tage für Windsurfing | |
perfekte Tage für Kiteboarding | |
perfekte Tage für Wellenreiten |
Die ersten 7 Tage waren total verregnet, aber trotzdem gab es am Nachmittag immer wieder guten Wind für schöne Kitesurfing und Windsurfing sessions. Die Wellenreit bedingungen waren eher schwierig zu dieser Zeit wegen Wind und Regen, aber dann in der zweiten Woche die Bedingungen wurden vile besser mit grossen Swells und sauberen Wellen in Encuentro.
Unser Vollmond BBQ am 12 Februar war wieder ein grosser Event mit über 30 Freunden und unser monatliches Neumond BBQ findet am 26. Februar statt.
Vom 22. bis 27 Februar finden in Cabarete wieder die alljährlichen Wettkaämpfe zum "Master of the Ocean" statt. Die Athleten müssen zeigen wer der beste ist in den Categorien Wellenreiten, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Windsurfing und Kitesurfing und nur der beste Overall wird der neue Master of the Ocean. Dieses Jahr gibt es auch einen neuen Teamwettbewerb, wobei jedes Team einen Wettkämpfer in jeweils eine Disziplin schicken.
Von Samstag bis Dienstag finden die Wettkämpfe in Encuentro statt um zu sehen wer der beste in den Wellen ist und am Mittwoch und Donnerstag läuft die Action direkt an Cabarete´s Bozobeach ab vor dem Hotel Millenium.
So kommt und seht was da ab geht und geniesst auch die Parties am Strand von Cabarete in der Nacht.
Cabarete bot schönstes Wetter und Super Wind während der ganzen Woche des Master of the Ocean, nur die Wellen wurden von Tag zu Tag kleiner. Trotzdem boten die Athlethen heisse Action in allen Disziplinen, das Level war extrem hoch mit einigen Teilnehmern aus Hawaii und die Endergebnisse waren äusserst knapp. Bei den Männern trennte den ersten vom dritten Platz nur 0,9 Punkte.
Master of the Ocean:
1. Zane Schweitzer
2. Luciano Gonzales
3. Francisco Porcella
Master of the Ocean Women:
1. Fiona Wyder
2. Audrey Meyer
3. Carolina Guzman
Team competition: 4 verschiedene Fahrer für die 4 Kategorien (Surfing, SUP, windsurfing, kitesurfing)
1. DR1
2. Team Sammy
3. Team Inzane
Januar 2014
Das neue Jahr startet wie das alte aufgehört hat mit funtastischem Wind und grossen Wellen fast jeden Tag.
20 | perfect days for windsurfing |
20 | perfect days for kite boarding |
20 | perfect days for surfing |
Die Trade winds brachten starken wind aus Osten an vielen Tagen diesen Monat und erzeugten super Bedingungen fürs windsurfing und Kiteboarding. Auch die Wellen waren gross, aber der Surf wurde oft gestört von Regen oder starkem Wind schon am Morgen.
December 2013
Very good wind and big waves almost every day
18 | perfect days for windsurfing |
19 | perfect days for kite boarding |
21 | perfect days for surfing |
This December offered incredible good wind and big Waves almost every day. It was raining a lot, but always at night or in the mornings, so that the wind did not got effect so much.
November 2013
No rain, but wind and sun!
13 | perfect days for windsurfing |
16 | perfect days for kite boarding |
27 | perfect days for surfing |
The rainy season is very dry and we got many days with wind and sun.
October 2013
No Hurricanes
9 | perfect days for windsurfing |
13 | perfect days for kite boarding |
16 | perfect days for surfing |
Usually October is the peak month for the hurricanes, but this year it was very quiet. No storms coming to Cabarete and also almost no rain. The Surfing competition Master Surf renuion was held this month at Encuentro.
September 2013
Very quiet month
8 | perfect days for windsurfing |
12 | perfect days for kite boarding |
16 | perfect days for surfing |
Since many years we don´t see such a quiet September. No Hurricanes, no big swells, not much rain, but also not so much wind. We got some perfect days for windsurfing and Kiteboarding with easy conditions, which is not always like this in September. The weather was mostly nice and the surfers were waiting for a good swell which never came. It was more like easy surfing for beginners and the waves were smaller than in July and August.
August 2013
Nice Wind, big waves and lot of people
14 | perfect days for windsurfing |
25 | perfect days for kite boarding |
25 | perfect days for surfing |
August offered perfect conditions for Kite boarding and surfing almost every day. Windsurfing was not always perfect because the winds were to week, but we got also 8 days with very strong wind and big waves. Cabarete was fully booked and so many people could enjoy the perfect conditions.
July 2013
Pablito´s Cabarete Classic is coming up
20 | perfect days for windsurfing |
23 | perfect days for kite boarding |
26 | perfect days for surfing |
From 17th to 21st of July Cabarete is hosting the most important anual windsurfing event on the island. World Champion Kevin Pritchard is coming to compete and he is doing a free Race clinic at the 18th of July. Everybody can participate and practice for the Slalom competitions. For the Slalom competitions we have diffrent categories like Mini juniors, Pro kids, Juniors, Women, Sports class, Business class, Open and for the first time a Kiteboarding category. The windsurfers can also compete in a thrilling freestyle competition and on Sunday there will be held a long distance race for windsurfer and kite surfer.
June 2013
Good wind lot´s of rain
25 | perfect days for windsurfing |
29 | perfect days for kite boarding |
30 | perfect days for surfing |
June is offering strong wind every day so far, but lot´s of rain in the evenings or nights. Vanessa is offering professional spanish lessons for you now at the Big Air kite school. At the end June turned out one of the best month for our water sports.
May 2013
Half and half!
09 | perfect days for windsurfing |
16 | perfect days for kite boarding |
23 | perfect days for surfing |
The first half of may we saw very few winddays, but the second half brought us wind every day, but like always in May we got lots of rain too, mostly at night or in the mornings. We had also two nice BBQs at the Big Air Kite school, both with rain showers. But we are prepared and we have a nice tent now, so it is still cozy.
New moon BBQ on the 8th of May with Gudrun, Dieter and Jan Full moon BBQ on 22th of may with Allan,Katja,Damion and Gianni
Abril 2013
Perfect Wind and Waves and Copa Marina de Guerra at Cabarete!
26 | perfect days for windsurfing |
25 | perfect days for kite boarding |
29 | perfect days for surfing |
This was one of the best Aprils we ever saw at Cabarete with strong wind and big waves almost every day. La Copa Marina de Guerra was held the first time at Cabarete and we saw nice windsurfing Slalom Races and a Long Distance Race for wind surfer and Kite Surfer. The Oficials of Marina de Guerra were very Happy with the conditions and organisations and they will come back next year. Our upwind and downwind trips to La Boca showed effects and I could win second place in the long distance race in the Kiteboarding disciplin. Just Kite Boarding World Cup Pro Manuel (Nono) Rondon was faster.
March 2013
Copa Nacional Cabarete Kiteboarding!
9 | perfect days for windsurfing |
12 | perfect days for kite boarding |
22 | perfect days for surfing |
Cabarete was offering one good day of wind for the Copa Nacional Cabarete Kiteboarding and we saw incredible action and tricks from the Juniors, Women, Masters, Semi Pros and Pro Riders. Best rider and winner of the Pro Riders was Luis Alberto Cruz from Starkites and our Assistant Instructor Laura Wilson won 4 place in the women catagory. Congratulation to al riders for the funtastic show!
February 2013
Cabarete is ripping like in summer!
17 | perfect days for windsurfing |
22 | perfect days for kite boarding |
27 | perfect days for surfing |
Cabarete is offering good surf every day in the morning, but also funtastic winds for Kiteboarding and Windsurfing almost every day. We got some incredible days with winds over 20 KN and big waves, which is the perfect mix between summer and winter conditions. The next Fullmoon BBQ is coming up at the 27th of February and The Master of the Ocean will also be held at this domincan celebration day.
We got also the new Custom NWT Kiteboards ready for your order. If you order one week before you arrive at Cabarete, your board will be waiting for you when you get here!
Photos thanks to Ken Fong
January 2013
Happy New year with good winds and many Kiters!!
11 | perfect days for windsurfing |
16 | perfect days for kite boarding |
23 | perfect days for surfing |
The year is starting with perfect days for Kiting and many Kites in the water. Since years we didn´t see so many Kiters and Students learning at Cabarete and the conditions were perfect from 20th of December until 12th of Januray. The first New Moon BBQ of the year 2013 was at the 16th with many happy people and the first Full Moon BBQ will be at the 31 of January.
All in all we got 50 % perfect conditions for Kiteboarding and 30 % for Windsurfing, because the wind was not always strong enough for really fun with the windsurf. Surfers had great times with big swells and perfect conditions at over 20 days.
December 2012
Merry christmas and Happy New year!
9 | perfect days for windsurfing |
12 | perfect days for kite boarding |
29 | perfect days for surfing |
After we survived the Apocalypse with Kitesurfing all day, we wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with lots of wind and sun. Our fullmoon BBQ at the Big Air Kite School will be at the 28th this month. So don´t miss it!!
November 2012
Many competitors and good waves at the Master Surf Reunion 2012
1 | perfect days for windsurfing |
4 | perfect days for kite boarding |
22 | perfect days for surfing |
Thanks to Hurricane Sandy the winds were horrible in November, but the Surfers were happy and the had lots of fun in the Master Surf Reunion from 4-7 of November, which was compared with the Dominican Jazz Festival which was also at Cabarete at this weekend.
October 2012
Not much wind, but good waves in October
8 | perfect days for windsurfing |
10 | perfect days for kite boarding |
24 | perfect days for surfing |
Just in the first half of October we got some nice days for windsurfing and Kiteboarding. Hurricane Sandy passed after the 22th and distroyed the global situation in the Atlantic Ocean for weeks. But the surfers had a lot of fun in October. The waves were not so huge most of the time, but the surf was very clean and glassy. The best sufrom tropical Sorm Rafael which passed 10 days earlier.
September 2012
Good wind and better waves at Cabarete
8 | perfect days for windsurfing |
17 | perfect days for kite boarding |
27 | perfect days for surfing |
The windsurfers were not so happy in september because the winds were not so strong, but for kite surfing was good after the 8th of september. The surfers were happy all month long with consitent and big waves almost every day.
August 2012
KB4K (Kiteboarding for Kids) charity competition is coming up in August
14 | perfect days for windsurfing |
20 | perfect days for kite boarding |
20 | perfect days for surfing |
The Kiteboarding for Kids event will be held this year on the weekend from 17 - 19th of August. It's a charity and fun event for all kiteboarders.
Big Air Kite school is offering down wind tours from La Boca to Cabarete or from Bozo Beach to Encuentro every week. Check it out!
The wind in August was not always perfect, but we got a lot of nice days and even Tropical Storm Isaac could not disturb so much and we got two days perfect wind and on top he brought huge waves that everybody in Cabarete was smiling.
July 2012
Pablito Guzmans Cabarete Classic competitions coming up in July
23 | perfect days for windsurfing |
26 | perfect days for kite boarding |
28 | perfect days for surfing |
Cabarete Classics Windsurfing Competition is held from 13.-15 of July. There will be Slalom and Course Racing for Kids, Sports, Women and Open classes. On Sunday there will be the famous Downwind Race for Windsurfers and Kiteboarders from Gasper Hernandez until Cabarete.
June 2012
June is ripping hard for windsurfing and Kite boarding
21 | perfect days for windsurfing |
23 | perfect days for kite boarding |
22 | perfect days for surfing |
June was offering perfect conditions for Kitesurfing and windsurfing almost every day. The surf was better in the second half of the month, because the winds started blowing a little bit later in the mornings.
May 2012
Good wind and nice weather in second half of May
21 | perfect days for windsurfing |
21 | perfect days for kite boarding |
12 | perfect days for surfing |
May offered perfect conditions for Kite boarding and also for windsurfing. The first week was not good with rain and no wind, but than the wind started blowing every day and from the 16th until the end we didn't see any rain. Since 15 years i never saw a May with so strong and nice Wind like this year. also the swells were good and this created perfect conditions at Cabarete reef for windsurfing and Kite surfing. But the surf at Encuentro was not so perfect because the winds started blowing very early and the surf was blown out a lot.
April 2012
Weather, wind and waves were going up and down in April
12 | perfect days for windsurfing |
17 | perfect days for kite boarding |
19 | perfect days for surfing |
The first half of April was mostly bad for Kitesurfing and windsurfing and the second half was much better. We got alot of nice days with more sun, more wind and better waves after the 14th of april. We had 3 nice BBQ's this month at Big Air Kite school. The best was our Eastern, full moon BBQ at April the 6th.
March 2012
Good wind and nice waves for the Master of the Ocean
15 | perfect days for windsurfing |
20 | perfect days for kite boarding |
19 | perfect days for surfing |
March offered very good wind for Kite boarding and windsurfing most of the days. At the beginning we got a couple of days with very strong winds and huge waves. Just the rain and cold weather was bordering a little bit.
February 2012
Good wind and nice waves for the Master of the Ocean
14 | perfect days for windsurfing |
17 | perfect days for kite boarding |
20 | perfect days for surfing |
February was ripping hard for the Kite boarders and Wind surfers at the beginning and at the end: Strong wind, big waves and nice weather and tempertures made Kite boarding and wind surfing to an perfect adventure. But in between we got 11 days with low wind and 3 days with hard rain. All in all it was a good month for Kite boarding and wind surfing, except for the people who stayed mostly from 11th to 21st. Surfing was good the whole month.
The 10th Master of the Ocean competition was held from 23rd to 27th of February and for the first time the Master had to compete in 4 diciplines: Surfing, Kite surfing, Wind surfing and Stand up paddle boarding. Conditions were perfect with strong winds and big waves at the first days and we saw spectacular action at Encuentro. The overall winner 2012 is Jose Luengo from Spain follwed by the Dominican riders Emmanuel Rondon and Luciano Gonzales.
We tried our first full moon ride on feb 08, but the wind stopped to early, so that just Tobi got out for 10 Min. On Wednesday we had our monthly Full moon party with almost 50 people now and everybody happy.
January 2012
Happy New Year
13 | perfect days for windsurfing |
15 | perfect days for kite boarding |
22 | perfect days for surfing |
Jaunary is starting like December. Just rain and no wind. We hope it is changing soon and we expect good conditions for Kitesurfing and windsurfing next week. On Tuesday, 10th we celebrate our monthly BBQ with full moon party. So don't miss it.
The second half of January was much better with wind every day and some perfect days in between. But it was very cold (for Cabarete feels) and very rainy,specially at night.
SUP - Stand Up Paddle boarding
The new water- board- workout- trend- fun- and family sport is now also available at Big Air Kite School at Cabarete Bozo Beach. We offer rental, lessons and tours.
Stand Up Paddle boarding (SUP) is the renaissance of an old Hawaiian sport which got forgotten with the appearance of short boards. Now Stand Up Paddle boarding is back and it is a fast growing sport around the world and arrived also to Dominican Republic and Cabarete. It a fun and family sport, it is full body work out and you can paddle everywhere from lake, to river and ocean waves.
December 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
12 | perfect days for windsurfing |
15 | perfect days for kite boarding |
26 | perfect days for surfing |
December is starting like November ended. Just rain and no wind. Just the surfers are happy with the nice swells coming in every week. Now it looked that the weather could change and bring good conditions for Kitesurfing and windsurfing. On Monday we celebrate our monthly BBQ with full moon party. So don't miss it. The rain will stopp until than and at one point the trade winds will finally show up and bring us a nice and windy christmas holiday season.
Wind and weather were improving from 10th of December and from the 20th until the end it was almost perfect for Kitesurfing and windsurfing.
SUP - Stand Up Paddle boarding
The new water- board- workout- trend- fun- and family sport is now also available at Big Air Kite School at Cabarete Bozo Beach.
November 2011
Season is starting slowly
1 | perfect days for windsurfing |
5 | perfect days for kite boarding |
26 | perfect days for surfing |
The wind for Kitesurfing and windsurfing isn't starting so good in November, but we hope this is changing fast.
And it was not changing. Unfortunately the rainy season this year is realy rainy and not much windy.
October 2011
Full moon BBQ at Big Air Kite School
12 | perfect days for windsurfing |
16 | perfect days for kite boarding |
24 | perfect days for surfing |
Until now we got 2 good days for Kitesurfing and windsurfing and a coupple of days where it started well, but than the wind stopped or turned offshore. Best day for Kitesurfing and windsurfing was monday 10th with 20 KN wind and nice big Waves. Surfing was good at Encuentro almost every day with biggest swell this weekend. Our full moon BBQ is coming up on 12th. Be sure to make your reservation. We are already more than 30 people.
The second half of October was much better wind and we good a lot good days for Kitesurfing and windsurfing with nice wind and big waves. For us was perfect because we had perfect conditions for teaching kitesurfing almost every day.
September 2011
Hurricane season
8 | perfect days for windsurfing |
12 | perfect days for kite boarding |
27 | perfect days for surfing |
Tropical storms and Hurricanes started early this year and passing almost weekly at our region. Some of them brought us nice wind and hardcore conditions for Kitesurfing and windsurfing, But most of them just brought huge waves to our surf spots. Emily, Irene, Katia, Maria we will not forget so fast, but the season is not over jet. Kiteboarding lessons instead were very difficult in September and the students needed much patiance to wait for the next lesson.
Our September BBQ at the Big air Kite School was a full success and we had lot of fun and we will repeat this now monthly like a full moon BBQ.
So check out, the next will be Wednesday, 13th of October.
Please visit us on face book:
August 2011
all fotos by our professional photograph Jessica
First Hurricanes passing close
17 | perfect days for windsurfing |
20 | perfect days for kite boarding |
21 | perfect days for surfing |
The first part of August offered nice conditions for kitesurfing, windsurfing and surfing at Cabarete. Tropical storm emily interrupted the trade winds, but it brought us 2 days with strong winds and big waves for perfect kiteboarding and windsurfing sessions. The surf was ripping too and everybody was happy. Than the trade winds came back fast and we had nice time until the 20th of august when Hurricane Irene started to effect Cabarete. The swells were huge, but the surf was too messy and blown out. The water came very high until our school, but without causing any damage. The winds were very strong for two days and some crazy guys were out Kiteboarding with unpredictable, gusty and offshore winds. After 6 days we got our trade winds back and we enjoyed a nice end of the month with lots of Kiteboarding and windsurfing.
Please visit us on face book:
July 2011
Cabarete Classic coming up
19 | perfect days for windsurfing |
24 | perfect days for kite boarding |
21 | perfect days for surfing |
Wind and weather are perfect now. Just a little tropical wave passed the island at the first weekend of July, but we did not feel so much in Cabarete. The Cabarete Classic windsurfing and Kiteboarding Competition from Pablito Guzman was held from July 13 - 17, 2011. Unfortunately the wind was not that perfect like it is usually in July. We just saw some formula races, some Slalom heats for the kids and at the last day a couple of slalom and Freestyle heats to cure a winner. also the down wind race had to be postponed from Saturday to Sunday, but than we saw a funtastic Race between ca 30 Kiteboarders and Windsurfers in an spectacular Down wind from La Eremita to Cabarete (ca 30 KM).
The fastest guys were 2 Kite boarders followed by two windsurfers.
June 2011
Starting bad, ending good
20 | perfect days for windsurfing |
22 | perfect days for kite boarding |
20 | perfect days for surfing |
First week of June brought us still lot of rain and not so much wind. Sometimes it feeled like November. But after the 10th the weather turned good and the winds were starting blowing every day like we know this from cabarete Summer. Unfortunately the Kiteboarding World Cup did not happen this year because luck of local sponsors. The crisis is still not over.
May 2011
Lots of rain and luck of wind
3 | perfect days for windsurfing |
3 | perfect days for kite boarding |
19 | perfect days for surfing |
After a ver dry, sunny and windy winter we got a lot of the missing rain and not so much wind this month. Just the surfers had some fun in glassy conditions and the Stand up paddling brought some fun.
April 2011
Strong winds also the first days of April
12 | perfect days for windsurfing |
16 | perfect days for kite boarding |
19 | perfect days for surfing |
The 9 th Master of the ocean contest was held at Cabarete from 7 to 10th of this month. Wind and conditions were good all days, but not the final day on sunday. Nevertheless an new, old Master was found in Luciano Gonzales, one of the best local Kitesurfers and former Master of the ocean some years ago. Second place goes to Emanuel Rondon and 3rd place to Franklin Mieses Monton.
We found good prices for flights from Germany with Condor from Frankfurt for 550 euro for 3 weeks in May and June. If you are interested just send E-mail and I can give you more infos
March 2011
Strong winds also the first days of March
9 | perfect days for windsurfing |
15 | perfect days for kite boarding |
25 | perfect days for surfing |
The annual kite boarding Charity competition KB4K Kiteboarding for Kids is coming up from 11th to 13th of march at Bozo beach. Please check the action and help the kids. All founds are going to dominican kids. great idea!
Cabarete has now also one of the first Hostals in D.R. with shared 4-8 bedroom Dorms in a nice ambiance and good prices. Please ask for more info and prices.
Big air Kite school has now a profacional photograph and video graph, Here name is Jessica and she can make your holiday unforgotable. Come to the school and talk to her about prices and offers.
February 2011
Strong wind at Cabarete
10 | perfect days for windsurfing |
17 | perfect days for kite boarding |
25 | perfect days for surfing |
Long time ago that we get so nice and strong wind at Cabarete. We have days with over 25 KN and the average is 15-25 KN from East compared with sun. If there is no wind on sundays, go to check the carnival at La Vega or Puerto Plata (el 27th).
We have now a profacional photograph and video graph at the big air Kite school at Cabarete, Here name is Jessica and she can make your holiday unforgotable. Come to the school and talk to her about prices and offers.
January 2011
Goodwind at Cabarete
18 | perfect days for windsurfing |
19 | perfect days for kite boarding |
20 | perfect days for surfing |
After lot's of rain and small wind over the holidays, the wind started blowing very strong and we could just go out with small boards and sails.
July 2010
Cabarete Classic14th
to18th of July 2010
perfect days for windsurfing | |
perfect days for kite boarding | |
perfect days for surfing |
The Cabarete Classic is a windsurfing and kitesurfing event for all
levels and ages. Slalom, Formula, Long distance and Freestyle competitions
in many categories like Mini Juniors, juniors, Sports class, women, Business
class and Open. Many side events, partys and concerts make this 4 day to
a big happening for Cabarete and its visitors. Check the web page for more
infos: Cabarete Classic: Windsurf
competition in Cabarete, Dominican Republic . If you want to visit Cabarete
for the event from Germany, please check in Urlaub
Last Minute Reisen Pauschalreisen Familienurlaub Billig Flüge, Hotels, Hotelbewertungen
- Lastminute Urlaub buchen bei . There you can find
incredible offers for the Hotel viva windham.
June 2010
Opening Party at Kahona
Thursday, 24th of June 2010 at 7 pm
The Kahona sports bar and Restaurant is our new partner now at Cabarete
beach. They invite tonight for the big openeng Party. So come and join and
have fun.
18 | perfect days for windsurfing | |
22 | perfect days for kite boarding | |
19 | perfect days for surfing | |
Kiteboarding World Cup 2010
16th to 20th of June 2010
is on now, starting with the dominican National Championchip. the new Champion
is Alex Soto and he was winning also one of the wildcards for the competition
main event. But there are more guys with incredible skills and style which
will try to enter over the qualifications. Good luck to everybody and we
hope to see hot action from tomorrow on. The finals will be Sunday and we
are excited if the dominican Riders can rip it again..
And they did it again: Ariel Corniel
was winning again over Kevin Langeree from Netherlands. In the women devision
the spanish rider Gisela Pulido was winning again after her first win 2008/
Second place went to polish Karolina Winkowska.
Starkites: Test and buy
Finally more new Starkites arrived to Cabarete. You can test and buy them
with us. Come to check the new 9,5 m S-bow for Freeriding and wave surfing.
This is my prefered Kite now.
May 2010
14 | perfect days for windsurfing | |
16 | perfect days for kite boarding | |
22 | perfect days for surfing | |
Wind is
back to Cabarete
Who can believe that May was the best wind month so far this year. We got
14-16 days perfect winds for Kite surfing and windsurfing. The high season
is over, there are no people, waves are small, but the wind is thrilling
us up. But unfortunately this happend all in the first 20 days. After this
we got 10 days without any wind and hope for windsport. Just surfing was
good and standup paddling was bringing some fun.
April 2010
8 | perfect days for windsurfing | |
11 | perfect days for kite boarding | |
21 | perfect days for surfing | |
discount now at Big Air Kite school
Wind and weather is improving now and big Air Kite School is offering 20%
discount on all Prices from 15 of April to 15 of June if you prebook via
Happy Eastern without wind
Locals could enjoy eastern partys with 10,000 of local people without having
stress to loose a good wind day. Wind is coming back this week.
And it's true. We really got wind this week. Perfect conditons with nice
waves and up to 25 kn and this already 4 days in a row. This is totally
record this year.
March 2010
9 | perfect days for windsurfing | |
11 | perfect days for kite boarding | |
21 | perfect days for surfing | |
Finally wind
Beginning of March is bad again with lots of rain and very less wind. Second
half is starting better. Sun is coming out, tempertures are rising and wind
is getting better. But all in all we still have very bad conditions for
windsurfing and kiteboarding compare to the lst years. Since 10 years I
didn't see such a bad winter season like this year. All the atlantic storms
were far away and just blocking our wind. We didn't get any strong north
wind and neither huge swells from the north.
February 2010
4 | perfect days for windsurfing | |
9 | perfect days for kite boarding | |
20 | perfect days for surfing | |
Happy Surfers
The surf is not huge but we got lot of nice, glassy days at Encuentro. Windsurfer
and Kitesurfer were not so happy. In 12 years we never saw so less wind
in February. It was just enough to find a new Master of the ocean this year.
The results are:
1st Luciano Gonzalez
2nd Emmanual Rondon
3rd Oscar de la Cruz
January 2010
7 | perfect days for windsurfing | |
11 | perfect days for kite boarding | |
22 | perfect days for surfing | |
Happy New Year
is starting with sun and wind at the 1st of January but than turned to rain
and no wind for many days. Surfing is good, but the wind surfing and kite
boarding year is starting at the 20th with good winds and some nice, big
wave days.
December 2009
perfect days for windsurfing | 9 | |
perfect days for kite boarding | 17 | |
perfect days for surfing | 28 | |
November 2009
perfect days for windsurfing | 5 | |
perfect days for kite boarding | 9 | |
perfect days for surfing | 23 |
There is no rainy season this year. Just for days of rain, but 11 days in the row no wind. This was to bad for wind surfing and kite boarding, but funtastic for surfing. Big Air is in construction. We are trying to make things bigger and nicer.
October 2009
perfect days for windsurfing | 9 | |
perfect days for kite boarding | 19 | |
perfect days for surfing | 23 |
September 2009
perfect days for windsurfing | 15 | |
perfect days for kite boarding | 22 | |
perfect days for surfing | 21 | |
Check out our new online store area with the original NWT T-shirts and Cronies Flip Flops from Canada! More T-shirts are coming up soon!
August 2009
perfect days for windsurfing | 9 | |
perfect days for kite boarding | 20 | |
perfect days for surfing | 28 |
July 2009
perfect days for windsurfing | 22 | |
perfect days for kite boarding | 29 | |
perfect days for surfing | 21 |
June 2009
perfect days for windsurfing | 17 | |
perfect days for kite boarding | 25 | |
perfect days for surfing | 10 |
May 2009
perfect days for windsurfing | 20 | |
perfect days for kite boarding | 25 | |
perfect days for surfing | 25 | |
After 15 years we closed the NWT Shop in Cabarete. But we are still there with our kite school Big Air and our surf tours to Encuentro and we might open the shop again later. Until then you can get your NWT t-shirt at our kite school and we will inform you about other retailers and some kind of online shopping soon.
News Archive: 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004